Cactus Flower Chiropractic is Happy/Sad to announce that 


Dr Steve Shochat is RETIRING after 44 years!

Our office will be permanently closing on February 28, 2025 and I will be here to serve you until then

"I want to personally thank the thousands of people who have shown their confidence in and gratitude for the care I have delivered over these many years. My Chiropractic Family has grown more than I ever imagined it could, as I have watched your families grow and thrive. I have taken care of your children and your grandchildren. There are too many people to thank personally for my own personal growth and well being, and I want you to know how grateful I am to have had the privilege to serve you for all these years. My heart is warmed, forever! I thank you ALL..."

So, What Next?  As I move on to my life's next great adventure, I will be making your records available to my two favorite Chiropractors beginning March 1, 2025:

of course our own 

Dr. Cindy Gerszewski 520-293-6060 right here at Synergy Chiropractic


Dr. Fernando Felix 520-317-6449 at Holistic Haven

These two Doc's have worked on me personally for years and I have complete confidence in their ability to keep you aligned on your lifelong journey to Health and Well Being. They provide the best and the safest Chiropractic Experience you will be able to find, anywhere!

As always, if you have any questions or wish to chat, feel free to call me at the office at 520-293-3751 or text me at 520-235-2733- I hope to see you all again before the end of February.

I Love and Appreciate you, Dr. Steve






Office Hours

Tuesday 10 - 2pm

Thursday 10 - 2pm

by appointment only

In the Courtyard Offices

5675 N. Oracle Rd

2nd Floor, Suite 3203

NW Corner of Oracle Rd and Roller Coaster Rd.

Health Topic Search

Health Articles

Spondylolistheses, Low Back Pain, and Urinary Function Helped by Chiropractic
Spondylolistheses, Low Back Pain, and Urinary Function Helped by Chiropractic
The Journal of Clinical Medicine published the results of a study on March 30, 2024, that showed chiropractic helping three patients who had health issues resulting from spondylolistheses. According to the National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, "Spondylolisthesis . . .
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Cancer Patient Undergoing Chemotherapy Receives Additional Help Under Chiropractic
Cancer Patient Undergoing Chemotherapy Receives Additional Help Under Chiropractic
The Asian-Pacific Chiropractic Journal published the results of a case study in their second quarter 2024 issue documenting chiropractic helping a cancer patient recover from a variety of symptoms while undergoing chemotherapy treatment for cancer. . . .
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Chiropractic Helps Patient with Chronic Lower Back Pain and Scoliosis
Chiropractic Helps Patient with Chronic Lower Back Pain and Scoliosis
On September 1, 2024, the research site Cureus published the results of a case study documenting the improvement through chiropractic of a patient with scoliosis who was suffering with chronic lower back pain. MedLine Plus describes chronic lower back pain by stating, "Low back pain refers to pain that . . .
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Functional Improvement and Pain Reduction in a Patient with Fibromyalgia Undergoing Chiropractic Care
Functional Improvement and Pain Reduction in a Patient with Fibromyalgia Undergoing Chiropractic Care
The above title comes from the October 21, 2024, issue of the Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. The National Institutes of Health describe this condition by saying, "Fibromyalgia is a chronic (long-lasting) disorder that causes pain and tenderness throughout the body, as well as fatigue and trouble . . .
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